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linux下播放高清不再是问题-Nvidia Linux 驱动 180.06发布(转)

Linux Display Driver - x86

Version: 180.06
Operating System: Linux x86
Release Date: November 14, 2008

Release Highlights
  • Added support for CUDA 2.1.
  • Added initial support for PureVideo-like features on Linux via the new VDPAU API (see the vdpau.h header file installed withthe driver).
  • Added new workstation performance optimizations.
  • Enabled the X Render "GlyphCache" by default.
  • Disabled shared memory X pixmaps by default; see the“AllowSHMPixmaps" option.
  • Fixed a regression that could result in window decorationcorruption when running Compiz using Geforce 6 and 7 series GPUs.
  • Improved X pixmap placement on GeForce 8 series and later GPUs.
  • Improved compatibility with recent Linux kernels.
  • Improved stability on some GeForce 8 series and newer GPUs.
To download and install the drivers, follow the steps below:
STEP 1: Review the NVIDIA Software License.
You will need to accept this license prior to downloading any files.
STEP 2: Download the Driver File

Download - NVIDIA-Linux-x86-180.06.pkg1.run
SuSE users: please read the SuSE NVIDIA Installer HOWTO before downloading the driver.
STEP 3: Install
Type "sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-180.06-pkg1.run" to install the driver. NVIDIA now provides a utility to assist you with configuration of your X server configuration file. Please see Chapter 3 of the README or run 'man nvidia-xconfig' for details on usage. Instructions for those wishing to edit their X config file by hand can also be found in the README.
If you have any questions or problems, please check the NVIDIA Linux discussion forum. If you don't find an answer to your question there, you can send email (in English) to linux-bugs@nvidia.com.
When emailing linux-bugs@nvidia.com, please attach an nvidia-bug-report.log, which is generated by running "nvidia-bug-report.sh".


Nvidia 刚刚发布了 177.82 的 Linux 驱动,转眼间,Nvidia 又将带有许多新特性的 180.06 beta 驱动呈现给广大 Linux 用户,这阵子 Nvidia 的用户比较幸福  。

Release Highlights
  • Added support for CUDA 2.1.
  • Added initial support for PureVideo-like features on Linux via the new VDPAU API (see the vdpau.h header file installed withthe driver).
  • Added new workstation performance optimizations.
  • Enabled the X Render "GlyphCache" by default.
  • Disabled shared memory X pixmaps by default; see the“AllowSHMPixmaps" option.
  • Fixed a regression that could result in window decorationcorruption when running Compiz using Geforce 6 and 7 series GPUs.
  • Improved X pixmap placement on GeForce 8 series and later GPUs.
  • Improved compatibility with recent Linux kernels.
  • Improved stability on some GeForce 8 series and newer GPUs.
除了将一些 170 时代需要手动加入的优化参数设置为默认值之外,还针对 GeForce 8 系列进行了一些列的性能优化。
我本地的显卡为 8600GTS,用 Gtkperf 来测试 2D 性能,相比之前大概快了 20%:

1000 rounds 的 Gtkperf 测试,之前要大概 55s,现在只要 40s 。
对于 Firefox 渲染慢,和正在用 KDE4 的同学,180.06 的驱动值得一试~
当然这个并不是 180.06 的重点,想必大家已经知道了,180 中最重要的更新就是新增的 VDPAU API 接口,可以给 Linux 提供类似于 PureVideo 的视频硬件加速功能~ 这样在 Linux 下,也可以轻松流畅的播放巨型的 H264 之类的视频了~
使用 Nvidia 打过 VDPAU 补丁的 Mplayer,就可以体验一下 VDPAU 的魅力啦~ 安装这个补丁版的 Mplayer 方法如下:
先下载补丁文件: mplayer-vdpau-3076399.tar.bz2
解压之后进入 mplayer-vdpau-3076399 目录,之后执行:

$ ./ checkout-patch-build.sh

这个脚本会自动从 svn 上迁出对应版本的 Mplayer 和解码库,然后自动开始编译。

libx264.c:165: error: 'x264_param_t' has no member named 'b_bframe_adaptive'
libx264.c:230: error: 'struct <anonymous>' has no member named 'b_bidir_me'
libx264.c:231: error: 'struct <anonymous>' has no member named 'b_bframe_rdo'
libx264.c:256: error: 'struct <anonymous>' has no member named 'psz_rc_eq'
make[1]: *** [libx264.o] Error 1

首先在 mplayer-vdpau/libavcodec/libx264.c 这个源代码文件中,删除下面的行:

x4->params.analyse.b_bidir_me = avctx->bidir_refine > 0;
x4->params.analyse.b_bframe_rdo = avctx->flags2 & CODEC_FLAG2_BRDO;
x4->params.rc.psz_rc_eq = avctx->rc_eq;


x4->params.b_bframe_adaptive = avctx->b_frame_strategy;


x4->params.i_bframe_adaptive = avctx->b_frame_strategy;

这样应该可以正确编译安装,如果还是出错,先确认下系统中是否装有 Mplayer 所需的库,也可以尝试降级 GCC,如果还是未果,可以去这个帖子查看或者询问其他的解决办法。

编译好新的 Mplayer 之后,就可以尝试用新的 VDPAU 接口播放视频文件了:

./mplayer -vo vdpau -vc ffmpeg12vdpau xxxxx.mpg     // 播放 MPEG 文件
./mplayer -vo vdpau -vc ffh264vdpau   xxxxx.h264    // 播放 H.264 文件
./mplayer -vo vdpau -vc ffwmv3vdpau   xxxxx.wmv     // 播放 WMV3 文件
./mplayer -vo vdpau -vc ffvc1vdpau    xxxxx.wmv     // 播放 VC-1 文件

不同的视频文件类型,需要通过 -vc 参数指定不同的解码库, -vo vdpau 即是使用最新的 VDPAU 接口来输出视频图像了~
不幸的是,我硬盘上唯一的一个 H264 文件播放失败,只好去下载了一个 H264 测试视频 ,播放的效果相当令人满意。
在不使用 VDPAU 的情况下,播放这个文件时,CPU 占用率保持在 20% 左右,使用了 VDPAU 之后,CPU 的占用率几乎为 0 ~

另外的一个 VC-1 测试视频,播放 CPU 占用率也从之前的 60%,降低到 15% 左右。对于在 Linux 看高清视频的人来说,是绝对的福音~
你也可以去看看 Phoronix 的详细评测





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